First Visit

Your initial appointment will consist of an examination and consultation.
Your initial appointment will consist of an examination and consultation. We will explain the diagnosis and treatment options to you so that you can make an informed decision. Occasionally, treatment can be done the same day as the consultation. However, a complex medical history or treatment plan will require an evaluation and a second appointment to provide treatment.
Please assist us by providing the following information at the time of your consultation:
- Your referral slip and any X-rays from your dentist.
- A list of all the medications you are taking.
- If you have medical or dental insurance, bring the necessary completed forms. This will save time and allow us to help you process any claims.
IMPORTANT: A parent or guardian must accompany all patients under the age of 18 to the consultation appointment.
Please advise us of all of your medical conditions (i.e. diabetes, high blood pressure, artificial heart valves or joints, osteoporosis, thyroid status, rheumatic fever, etc…). It is important to have a complete medical record which includes even so-called minor issues such as a slight allergy to latex and the like. Please bring a complete list of all the medications and their dosages with you (i.e. heart medications, antihypertensives, anticoagulant therapy, sleeping medications, etc…). Many people are anxious or fearful of dentistry, please advise us if this is a concern of yours. With this information we will customise your treatment so that it is appropriate, safe, and as stress-free as possible.
Your dentist may have forwarded your x-rays to our office or given them to you to bring with you to the appointment with us. Although, these x-rays are useful it is still necessary for us to take our own x-rays prior to treatment. Digital x-ray sensors are used at Township Endodontic Centre and these require significantly less radiation than conventional film x-rays.
Our goal is to take the least number of x-rays possible without compromising the diagnosis, treatment, or success of treatment